Meet your instructor
Hi! My name is Rupesh Tiwari.
I am a software architect and pluralsight author. My life's mission is to help students, beginners and professionals to increase their programming & system design skills. By just not making them a coding expert rather than teaching them the real Software Engineering Principles. Hence they get their dream job, make more money and ultimately they live a better life.
I'm a full stack developer/architect with 1+ decades of experience. I do software analysis, modeling and coding in my day to day activity with big IT industries. I teach people how to design software and code and make them full stack developers. I've created 1 course in pluralsight on Unit Testing RxJS using Marble Diagrams. Also authored many courses on YouTube Now I am focusing more on creating premium quality JavaScript courses on Full Stack Master.
My goal is to give all of the courses required to a developer/beginner to become a complete software engineer. I create courses on software architecture style, programming on MEAN stack and much more on modeling and software architecture styles.
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About Paid Courses
Currently we have below paid courses:
- Mastering MEAN.JS
- Build JavaScript app from Scratch & Deploy to cloud
All Paid Courses
About All Access Membership Plans
Why buy one course when you can get access to entire existing and future courses by subscribing to our money saving membership plans! We have 3 yearly or monthly membership plans listed below:
ELITE: All-Access-Membership plan
In ELITE membership you will also get below things:
- Full access to all courses
- Full access to all future courses
- HD videos for all courses
- Slides for latest videos
- Complete Source Code
- Step by Step Textual Guide to create App from Scratch
- English subtitles for the latest videos
- Q&A session with Author monthly if you need!
In case you wan to upgrade to ELITE Membership plan then link is given below.
PRO: All-Access-Membership plan
In PRO membership you will also get below things:
- Full access to all courses
- Full access to all future courses
- HD videos for all courses
- Slides for latest videos
- Complete Source Code
- Step by Step Textual Guide to create App from Scratch
In case you wan to upgrade to PRO plan then link is given below.
BASIC: All-Access-Membership plan
In BASIC membership you will also get below things:
- Full access to all courses
- Full access to all future courses
- HD videos for all courses
In case you wan to upgrade to BASIC plan then link is given below.
All Access Membership Plans
About Free Courses
Enroll to below bundled course to get all free courses available!